Sunday, April 20, 2014

Five Ranchers You Have Not Heard About

Some people have mixed feelings about what happened at the Bundy Ranch. Some feel part of it was Bundy's problem since he didn't pay grazing fees. From here on the arguments and little details go on for a while. One thing is for sure and that is that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) overreacted to the situation.

Even though Bundy might be in the wrong a bit, I'm okay with that because the government is in the wrong a lot. This push against the government is good even if done in a not so kosher manner.

If you play by the rules you might get trampled because the government does not play by the rules. Five ranchers are being trampled on in South Dakota[1][2]. It's not the BLM this time but the Department of Game, Fish and Parks of South Dakota. Still, totally wrong.

These five ranchers have land that had, I repeat "had," a railway running though it. The land has been owned by their families but easement laws allowed some of it to be used for the railroad. So the tracks eventually closed and the railroad gave it back to South Dakota, except these are easements, not possessions. The railroad cannot give the land to anyone. Under South Dakota law the land goes back to the original owners once the easement is void which is the ranchers.

What actually happened was the state took the land and turned it into a scenic trail. It is now a 109 mile trail cutting through five ranchers' lands. The government has made a regulation no motorized vehicles can go on the trail. So now there is a line on their land the ranchers can not cross; a line that was illegal by state law to be made in the first place. A scenic trail is a piss poor use of easement laws.

In short the ranchers can not cross this line because of beautification, at least that is what I read "scenic trail" as meaning. We are not even talking about an endangered species anymore. Ranchers' way of living is threatened just so things can be prettier.

Are you kidding me!? This is why we should start breaking the rules because the rules are stupid. The rules are anti-human. Thank the founders for the Second Amendment. An aerobic exorcise of it might force the government to obey the law too.

So for now enjoy Joe giving a critique of the Bundy Ranch incident.

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