Sunday, February 3, 2013

Google Flags Breitbart as a Malicious Site

We are at the one year anniversary of Breitbart's passing and how does Google celebrate it? By labeling his site as malicious.

Okay. Maybe I am late to the party on this, but I didn't find anyone else writing about it. If there is, please comment and add a link below. Let's give credit where credit is due.

I was doing research to see if anyone had written about something a bit absurd I read on a dot gov blog. Indeed people had. One place I found this topic I was researching was at

If I were to use the results of just one search to besmirch a search engine would be wrong. However, Google can crawl a site per keyword protocol. So let us try a keyword site protocol. Go to Google and crawl the whole site with So, as you see, the results are EVERY page is malicious.
This is be a better closeup.
So, what does it mean to be deemed as a malicious site? It means Google will not give you a simple link. They give you this warning page instead.
The only way to get to the page is to copy and paste the URL out of the alert text. Otherwise, Google does not give you a simple point and click interface to

Yeah. No search engine bias here. Google couldn't possibly have a liberal bias.

UPDATE Feb 4th, 7pm

This entry was posted Sunday night and was accurate. Sometime Monday morning Google corrected the issue. is no longer marked as a malicious site.

UPDATE Feb 4th, 9pm

Possible explanation of why was marked malicious. I just visited the site and one of the ads pushed the page off of the site to one of those "You might be a winner" ads.

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